1. Writing the Thesis: The student prepares their thesis using the appropriate "Templates" while following the "Thesis Writing Guide".
2. Thesis Review: The advisor reviews the thesis and, after approving the "YL/D 07 - Thesis Preliminary Review Form", the student reproduces the thesis (one copy in a Kraft folder for Master’s/Ph.D.).
3. Similarity Report: A similarity report is obtained through a plagiarism detection program. The first page, showing the total “% similarity rate” and the date of the report, is printed. This page must be signed by both the advisor and the student. The similarity rate must be below 25%.
4. Publication Document: The student must document a scientific study produced from the thesis or a related field in collaboration with their advisor (For a Master’s degree, at least one of the conditions in Article 33 of the regulations must be met; for a Ph.D., at least one of the conditions in Article 47 must be fulfilled. Mandatory for students enrolled after 2019).
5. Jury Proposal: The advisor submits the "YL/D 07 - Thesis Preliminary Review Form" along with the following: - For Master’s: "YL 02 - Master’s Thesis Defense Jury Proposal Form" - For Ph.D.: "D 07 - Ph.D. Thesis Defense Jury Proposal Form"These documents are submitted to the Department. The Department Board’s decision, along with a copy of the thesis reproduced by the student and the documents submitted by the advisor, is delivered to the Institute by the Department via an official letter. (The **Thesis Defense Exam Date** must be at least 14 days and at most 30 days after the Wednesday when the Institute Administrative Board meets.)
6. Distribution of Theses to Juries: Once the Thesis Defense Jury and Exam Date are approved by the Institute Administrative Board and the official documents are prepared, the student delivers the thesis to the thesis defense jurors.
7. Thesis Defense Exam: The student attends the Thesis Defense Exam at the time and place determined by the Institute Administrative Board.